侍道4 - 流程攻略 全普通結局事件一覽表 - 侍道4 - 流程攻略




智慧的火焰(The Flames of Prajna)

激動的靈魂(Fevered Spirits)

毀滅之路(Road to Ruin)

改變初衷(A Change of Heart)

掀翻英租界(Setting Off to Foreign Lands)

武士坦蕩蕩(Samurai Straight)


失去勇氣(Loss of Nerve)


黑暗的意志(A Dark Will)


浪費願望(Wasted Wish)


互助(Mutual Rescue)


戰爭中的首席大臣(Chief Minister At War)


鬼怒川的邪惡影響(Kinugawa's Evil Influence)


突襲大使館(Raiding the Consulate)


毀滅的智慧(Annihilation of the Prajnas)

(The Three Kataneers)

船上的曙光(Twilight On Board)


武士之魂(The Samurai Spirit)


黑船在手(Black Ship In Hand)


全面突襲(The Raid)


茂呂茂,劍士(Shigeru Moro, Swordsman)

琴吹光,軍人(Hikaru Kotobuki, Military Man)


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